Recruiting Methodology

Our Methodology Delivers the Right Talent, Right Where You Need It.

1872 Recruiting & Staff Augmentation Hypothesis

Times have changed. We started 1872 in 2015 after realizing larger Recruiting and Staff Augmentation firms haven’t changed their best practices to adapt to modern times. We take a contrarian approach and have modernized our recruiting methodology which has propelled us to a best-in-class Recruiting & Staff Augmentation firm.

What we don't do

  • Cold call candidates before sending them information about the position. Sadly, many of us have worked for recruiting firms in the past that encourage recruiters to call candidates regardless if they are a fit for the position, interested in the position, or worse: just to see what the candidate’s situation is looking like even though the recruiting firm doesn’t have an open position for them so the recruiting firm can “build their hotlists”. 
  • This has led to top candidates receiving 10-20 calls a day from recruiters. Obviously, they have stopped answering these calls, which is why our methodology focuses around cutting through this noise. More on this below.
  • Send mass emails to candidate lists. This also is another poor practice of recruiting firms that leads to candidates being spammed over email. We’ve heard too many times from candidates that they too often receive emails about positions that are nowhere close to relevant to their skill set or geography where they reside.

  • Ask candidates to meet with us face-to-face. While there are obvious advantages of vetting candidates in person, the geography in the markets we recruit in doesn’t allow for convenient face-to-face meetings. Top candidates don’t want to drive an hour for a meeting with a recruiter that isn’t an official interview. When recruiting firms require their recruiters to meet with candidates face-to-face before submitting them, they lose out on top talent. We take an alternative approach to video conference with candidates.

1872 Recruiting & Staff Augmentation Hypothesis

We’ve grown so quickly due to our quality approach and superior candidate delivery techniques. And we have plenty of references to back this up. Here are the keys to our success: